Christy Clement

Front-end Developer

Game mode:


Hi! I'm Christy. 🙂   I have over two years of professional experience as a web developer, mostly focused on the front end of a large marketing website. Creating enjoyable, consistent user experiences keeps me motivated. I like to approach tasks with a critical eye, anticipating potential challenges and opportunities for improvement.

I've been focused on tech since 2021, when I decided to do a career pivot and completed the full-stack developer program with InceptionU. Ever since then, I've been having fun expanding my skill set and contributing to meaningful projects. Prior to my bootcamp, I had over 10 years of experience as a technical editor in the environmental consulting industry, where my attention to detail and focus on clear and consistent written communication helped me to meet the needs of various clients.

Outside of work, I'm passionate about languages and their power to connect people and foster cultural exchange. I'm currently learning French, Spanish, and Esperanto, and I enjoy tutoring English learners.


Web Developer, Neo Financial - Calgary, AB (Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2024)

I developed and maintained a large-scale marketing website, ensuring reliability through unit testing and code reviews. I built responsive, reusable React components based on Figma designs, identified and resolved bugs, and optimized website performance and appearance to improve user engagement. I also researched and implemented a headless content management system (CMS) for a website redesign, developing a proof of concept, planning out reusable content models, and facilitating knowledge sharing. Additionally, I led the implementation of a monorepo setup to streamline code sharing across applications, and created comprehensive documentation to enhance team efficiency and reduce training time.


HTML | CSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Next.js | Tailwind | MaterialUI | GraphQL | Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Atlas | Jest | React Testing Library | Contentful | Figma | Git | GitHub | Vercel | Jira


Collaborative Paint App

Collaborative Paint App GitHub Live Demo

Created a full-stack collaborative paint app where multiple people can join a room to draw together on the same canvas. Incorporated standard drawing tools such as colour and brush size selectors, an eraser, and save/clear canvas buttons.

Node.js | Express | MongoDB | React | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Socket.IO | Git | Trello

Survey Management App

Survey Management App GitHub Demo Video

Created customizable survey question components, integrated drag and drop, form validation logic, CRUD operations, passed and manipulated information using global state, plotted locations on a map, data visualization, design and styling, daily stand-ups with the development team, weekly sprint planning and demos for our client, incorporated changes based on feedback, created and assigned user stories.

Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose | React | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Material UI | Git | Trello

Community Gardening App

Community Gardening App GitHub Live Demo

Incorporated secure user signup and authentication, created individual garden pages, stored and accessed data in the database, form validation, design and styling, messaging using a customized library.

Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose| React | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Passport.js | Git | Heroku

Hackathon Map Game

Hackathon Map Game GitHub

Plotted locations on a map, game logic, styling and special effects.

Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose | React | Leaflet | OpenStreetMap

Vaccine Passport App

Sneak Peek:
Vaccine Passport App

Currently in progress... Check back soon for updates! 🙂

React Native | Expo | more to come...


Full Stack Developer (Learner) - InceptionU Ltd. - March to August 2021

Six months of project-based learning focusing on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node). Individual and team projects, from rough concepts to completed apps. Essential skills such as critical thinking, visual thinking, and problem solving.